Thursday, February 4, 2016

Downton Abbey: My opinion

Hey y'all! Today it is time to show my opinion of...I think you have already guessed...Downton Abbey! To begin with: It's a great series to watch! Very exciting! But you have to start with the beginning, because otherwise you do not understand.

The Characters. I could show you all the characters in the movie, but then it would be a far to long post. So, here are some of the characters I like the most.

Anna Smith, later Anna Bates

Lavinia Swire

Lady Rose

Lady Violet

Matthew Crawley

Lady Sybil

The Set. It's filmed on really magnificent places. I like the house Downton Abbey very much. It has a little bit of a castle, but also of a house.

The Music. The music is great. Not as good as the Robin Hood BBC music, but still: beautiful music.

 The Other Characters. They also play very well. But I do not like some of the characters, like Thomas Barrow, or Miss O'Brien, or Vera Bates.
Lady Violet is very funny

The Costumes. Lady Mary usually wears dark clothes, but sometimes she has nice dresses. Some of the costumes are not so nice. I especially like Lady Rose' and Lady Sybil's dresses. Not Lady Edith' dresses. They are don't have a word for her dresses.

For those who didn't watch Downton Abbey:

Hope you liked the post!

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