Headers for free

I remember that when I first started with blogger, I didn't knew a thing. How to put a header on it? How follow someone? How to put images on it? How to make an ''About Me''? Or how to make pages and make them visible? I didn't even know how to make a header. So I loaned one from Wonderland Creek. And with my sister's help, I am where I am now. So I thought, why not make some free headers? For bloggers who are just on blogger and do not know yet how to make a header.

The first one.


And the third.

And the last.

Those were all. It was an update, because before these, there were others. But I liked these more.


  1. Oh, these are lovely. Your very talented, dear sister. :)

  2. So beautiful! And another BBC RH fan! That show is awesome :D

  3. Yes, RH is the best serie! Maybe even better than Downton Abbey.

  4. I'll use your Downton one for Downton Week i think :D

  5. Yes? Thank you! No one has used my headers yet.You reminded me of making a Downton header for Downton Abbey week.

  6. These are so pretty! Could you make more?
