Wednesday, July 19, 2017

~What do I want to be?~

This is Cornwall, isn't it lovely?
I have often thought of what I wanted to do when I was smaller. I imagined I would be a farmer, or a cook. But now it has changed, of course. I have other interests, other dreamjobs. I only don't know what to be yet. That's the problem. I like traveling, I also like small children and babies, and wild animals(no pets or bears or fish,or insects and reptiles. More cheetas, zebras, giraffes, lions, monkeys, species of paradise birds, that sort of things), I like the languages English and Spanish, and nature is, of course, beautiful and interesting. A thing I also like is cooking and baking of course, and I like making up stories and writing them out on paper and then go on with a real story. Seriously, ideas pop into my head so many times. I have a lot of ideas, but writing them all at the same time, isn't how it is to be. I work on one or two stories, not all on the same time, If you do the last mentioned, you will get confused and can't focus on the stories. Oh, and titles are the hardest (names are easy, but titles?). Of the school work I do, I don't like geometry and algebra(math isn't really my favourite thing), but languages and biology are more my interests. I like history and literature too, but not really to do something as job with. Geology.........well, some things are interesting and others are just boring.
What I also kinda like, is making photographs. So, I'm not really bothered that I don't know what to be, but just...I don't know, maybe I am a little bothered about that :) I know what I like, but not what job I want. That's the case. Now, I'll bid you adieu!


  1. Apparently my comment has vanished in the air.

    I LOOOVVVEEE your new blog look! It so summery. And those colors really match well by each other.

    You love a lot of things. I am sure there will be a job for you with something you like, waiting to be discovered. :) My mind changed a lot what I wanted to be. First I wanted to be a actress, then a nurse, a babysitter, then something with horses and then daycare. Eventually I chose to do something with horses.

    Lovely post Ruth!

    1. Sometimes they do things like that :)
      Thanks! I changed it again, because once a month was a bit too little for me. So I decided to change it twice a month. The other header was probably the one where you were talking about.
      Yes, probably, I will get a job. Every child has dreams about jobs, but when you grow up they change a lot, but actually get more specific.
      Thank you again!

    2. I was talking about the header you now have on your blog. :)

      Of course you will have a job. Your are talented in quite a lot of things. You eventually get a job. :)

  2. I love this post, Ruth!
    You are such a wonderful person who likes so many things! I am so happy to know you!

    1. Aw, thank you so much! I am glad to know you too!

  3. Hello, Ruth! I just found your blog and I really like it! I wanted to say that I like this post, and I do understand it's not always easy to figure out what one wants to do with their life and jobs. But thankfully God knows what He's doing, and I just wanted to encourage you with that.
    Have a great day!!!

  4. Thank you!
    And thanks for the encouragement, kind words, and understandment. Going to look into your blog too!
    The same to you!
