Mulan is a 1998 American animated musical action-comedy-drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation based on the Chinese legend Fa Mulan. It is directed by Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook, with story by Robert D. San Souci.
After the Huns, led by Shan Yu, invade China, the Chinese emperor begins to command a general mobilization. Each family is given a conscription notice, requiring one man from each family to join the Chinese army. When Fa Mulan hears that her elderly father Fa Zhou, the only man in their family, is once more to go to war, she becomes anxious that her father will not survive. She decides to disguise herself as man to join the war instead of her father. The ancestors order the ''Great Stone Dragon'' to protect Mulan. Mushu, a little dragon, has to wake the ''Great Stone Dragon'', but destroys the ''Great Stone Dragon'' accidentally and goes after Mulan himself to protect her, together with Cricky, a cricket. Mulan is misguided by Mushu in how to behave like a man, and soon their is a fight in the training camp. However, under command of Li Shang, she and her new co-workers at the camp: Yao, Ling and Chien-Po, become skilled warriors. Mushu, desiring to see Mulan succeed, creates a fake order from Shang's father, General Li, ordering Shang to follow him into the mountains. The troops set out to meet General Li and his troops, but arrive at a burnt-out encampment and discover that General Li and his troops are killed by the Huns. As they leave the mountains, they are ambushed by the Huns, but Mulan cleverly uses a cannon to create a avalanchee that buries most of the Huns. Mulan is hurt by Shan-Yu, and is provided by a doctor. The doctor discovers that Mulan is a girl, and tells Shang. Mulan should be killed because of her betrayal, but Shang spares her, because she saved his life. The troops leave, and leave Mulan behind. Mulan discovers that Shan Yu and six of his men are still alive. She tries to warn Shang, but he doesn't believe her anymore. The emperor is kidnapped and Shang, Yao, Ling, Chien-Po and Mulan save him. The emperor rewards her by giving her his medal and Shan-Yu's sword, so Mulan's family and whole of China knows she saved whole of China. Shang comes to Mulan's house to return her helmet. She asks him for dinner, and that is the end of the first movie of Mulan.
There is a Mulan II, but if i tell all that, it would be far to lang (it is actually already very long).
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